Dhanjibhai Bhuva - FOUNDER
Dhanjibhai Bhuva - FOUNDER
Mr. Dhanjibhai Bhuva is the founder of the company. He is a renowned industrialist in the Rajkot region. He founded the Company in 2007 & has since grown the company from a humble Machining unit to Forging unit & Other large scale precision manufacturing company. Every good invention stems out from a need, and the same holds true for creating & improving products and processes adding to the customer value. We will continue with our relentless pursuit to achieve their utmost satisfaction.
Jayeshkumar Bhuva - CEO
Jayeshkumar Bhuva - CEO
Mr. Jayeshkumar D. Bhuva is only about 41 years old, yet he is a savvy businessman with a lot of drive and vision. He is the driving force behind the LLP and the first in his family to go into business for themselves. Even though he has completed his formal education, his creative mind is constantly thinking of new things to do. His background and expertise are deep. Maintain a constant drive to improve your methods and provide the highest quality goods possible. He has also studied the literature on engineering goods, particularly automobile components. In 2008, he stepped foot into the working world. He founded the company that is currently operating, Adhya Techno forge LLP. Right now, he's serving as the LLP's managing partner / designated partner. In his new role, he will focus on the company's finances and the development of ground- breaking new offerings.
Alpeshbhai Bhuva - Director
Alpeshbhai Bhuva - Director
Mr. Alpeshbhai D Bhuva is around 43 years of age. He possesses a highly dynamic personality and is a tenacious businessman. He will oversee the company's overall market. In addition to his financial and business expertise, he has a strong background and support system. His insight and experience in the same industry will prove invaluable to the proposed project. His business acumen and more than 15 years of extensive expertise will be of significant use to the unit. Currently, he is the managing partner and designated partner of the LLP. He will focus on financial management and the creation of innovative goods for the company.